AfterPay Nordics – Introduction

General information

AfterPay Nordics for WooCommerce is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to take payments via AfterPay’s new RESTful Json API. With this extension you get access to AfterPay’s payment methods – Invoice and Part Payment.

  • At the moment part payment is only available in Sweden and Norway.
  • You need an agreement with AfterPay to be able to use this plugin.


The plugin itself has no limitations regarding currency.

However, please note that there can be limitations in the agreement you have with your payment provider.
When it comes to questions regarding supported currencies you should always talk to your payment provider. The exception is when the plugin in fact do have limitations.
You can read more about this at the AfterPay website.

Required WordPress/WooCommerce settings

Make sure that you have enabled pretty permalinks in your WordPress installation. Otherwise callbacks from AfterPay back to your store won’t work and orders will not be updated with the correct order status/information.

To get the order total to match between WooCommerce and AfterPay you need to configure WooCommerce to display prices with 2 decimals. More information about displaying of prices and how it can cause rounding issues can be found in this article.

Configuration: Invoice payment

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > AfterPay Invoice.
  • Enable AfterPay Invoice by checking the Enable AfterPay Invoice checkbox.
  • Title - Enter the title for the payment method displayed in the checkout


  • Enter your AfterPay X-Auth-Key for Sweden.
  • Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.


  • Enter your AfterPay X-Auth-Key for Norway.
  • Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.
  • Display Customer Lookup - Check this box to Display Customer Lookup / Get Address field in checkout


  • Enter your AfterPay X-Auth-Key for Denmark.
  • Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.


  • Enter your AfterPay X-Auth-Key for Germany.
  • Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.
  • Invoice Fee – Enter the product ID of your Invoice Fee product. More information about this can be found in the Invoice Fee Handling section below.
  • Street number field - If your store has a separate field for street number, enter the name of this field here.
  • Customer type – Select if you want to sell to companies, consumers or both customer types.
  • Enable Order Management – Check this box to enable AfterPay order capture on WooCommerce order completion and AfterPay order cancellation on WooCommerce order cancellation.
    This setting is used for all three payment methods.
  • Always display Customer Lookup - Display Customer Lookup field in checkout even when AfterPay isn't the selected payment gateway
  • AfterPay testmode – Check this box if you have a test account and want to make purchases against AfterPay’s test server environment.
  • Debug Log – Check this box to log events for debugging. The log can be found by navigating to WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

Please note that it's only Norway that has the option to set Display Customer Lookup as a separate setting. For Sweden Customer Lookup is mandatory and for Denmark and Germany it's not availble, instead the customer enter the national identification number when they select payment method.

Invoice Fee Handling

The invoice Fee for AfterPay Invoice is added as a simple (hidden) product. To create a Invoice fee product:

  1. Add a simple (hidden) product. Mark it as a taxable product. For more information on how to add a simple (hidden) product please check WooCommerce documentation page on Adding and Managing products.
  2. Go to the AfterPay Invoice settings page and add the product ID (not the price or the SKU) of the Invoice Fee product. The ID can be found by hovering the Invoice Fee product on the Products page in WooCommerce.

Configuration: Part Payment

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > AfterPay Part Payment.
  • Enable AfterPay Part Payment by checking the Enable AfterPay Part Payment checkbox.
  • Title - Enter the title for the payment method displayed in the checkout
  • Enter your AfterPay X-Auth-Key for each country that you have an agreement with AfterPay to sell to.
  • Description - Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page. One for each country that you have an agreement with AfterPay to sell to.
  • Display Customer Lookup - Check this box to Display Customer Lookup / Get Address field in checkout
  • AfterPay testmode – Check this box if you have a test account and want to make purchases against AfterPay’s test server environment.
  • Debug Log – Check this box to log events for debugging. The log can be found by navigating to WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

Terms and condition text

Your web shops terms and condition page must include AfterPay’s summarized Terms of Service. The following text can be used:


Vi erbjuder betalning med faktura i samarbete med Afterpay (bifirma till Arvato Finance AB) (nedan ”AfterPay”). Betalningsvillkor är 14 dagar. För att kunna beställa mot faktura måste du ha fyllt 18 år och vara folkbokförd i Sverige samt godkännas i den kreditprövning som genomförs vid köpet. För fullständiga fakturavillkor se här.

Genom samarbete med AfterPay ges du möjlighet att dela upp din betalning. För information och fullständiga villkor läs mer här.

AfterPay behandling av personuppgifter
Vid köp med faktura kommer AfterPay behandla dina personuppgifter som personuppgiftsansvarig. Personuppgifterna behandlas bland annat för fullgörande av avtalet, samt för att via externa och interna databaser genomföra identifikations- och kreditkontroll. För mer detaljerad information om AfterPays behandling av personuppgifter och dina rättigheter i samband med behandlingen se här.

In the text there are links to AfterPay Consumer Terms & Conditions and AfterPay Privacy Statements. These URL’s ends with YOURMERCHANTID. Replace this text with your actual AfterPay Merchant ID.

Order management

When an order is created in WooCommerce and a reservation number exists in AfterPay’s system, you have the possibility to handle the order management in AfterPay directly from WooCommerce. This way you can save time and don’t have to work in both systems simultaneously.

Note that as long as the order only is a reservation in AfterPay’s system you can’t actually view the invoice in their backoffice. First after activating the reservation (and by that also sending the invoice) you’re able to view it in AfterPays backoffice. If you have any questions about this, please contact AfterPay directly.


To get started with order management in AfterPay via your WooCommerce store, you need to check the Enable Order Management checkbox.

Cancel an order

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Status. Change the status to Cancelled.

  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.

  5. If everything was successful a new order note is created saying AfterPay reservation was successfully cancelled.

Capture an order

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Status. Change the status to Completed.

  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.

  5. If everything was successful a new order note is created saying AfterPay reservation was successfully captured, invoice number: nnnnn. The invoice is now sent to the customer from AfterPay.

The module does not support partial captures.

Change the WooCommerce order status when a capture order request fails

By default the order status changes back to Processing if the capture request to AfterPay fails. To change this to another status you can use the filter afterpay_failed_capture_status in the following way:

Update an order

At the moment changes made in an order in WooCommerce is not updated in AfterPay’s system. If you need to change an order either cancel the order and let the customer create a new order or get in touch with AfterPay so they can help you with changes in the order.

Refund an order

Avarda Checkout supports full refunds as well as partial refunds.

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Completed.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order items box, click the Refund button.

  4. Here you can choose to refund the full sum for an item (1), part of the sum (2) or shipping (3).
    If you enter a sum manually (2) you also need to enter the correct tax to refund manually, as opposed to when you refund the full sum for an item in which case the tax is automatically calculated. With shipping (3) you need to enter the amount manually, as well as the tax. Not to be confused with the Refund manually button.
  5. Click the Refund via AfterPay button.
  6. If everything was successful a new order note is created saying AfterPay refund was successfully processed.
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