Ingrid Delivery Checkout - Introduction

Ingrid Delivery Checkout for WooCommerce is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to make shipments via Ingrid.

You can download the plugin here.


  1. Login to WordPress Admin. Navigate to Plugins → Add New (in the left column menu).
  2. Click Upload Plugin and then browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer. Click on OK and finally click on the Install Now button.
  3. Activate the plugin.


Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping

Now Ingrid Delivery Checkout is displayed as an available option in the horizontal menu at the top. Click on this link to access the Ingrid settings.

  1. API Key - Enter your API key that you will receive from Ingrid once you have your agreement.
  2. Test mode - Check this box to use the Ingrid Staging Environment
  3. Fallback shipping method - Enter the shipping method you want as backup in the event of WooCommerce being unable to connect to Ingrid.

Go to Shipping zones in the horizontal menu at the top and remove any existing Shipping Zones as they will conflict with Ingrid.

Edit your Checkout page and add the shortcode [woocommerce_ingrid] above [woocommerce_checkout]

Cart data sent to Ingrid

For each order line sent to Ingrid the following data will be passed:

  • sku
  • name
  • price
  • quantity
  • height, width & length
  • weight
  • attributes - (as an array) both regular product attributes (as pa_attributename:attributevalue) and variable product variants (as variantvalue).
For the entire order the following data is sent to Ingrid:
  • vouchers - (as an array) the name of the coupon code used. If the coupon code enables free shipping, a voucher named free_shipping will also be sent
  • purchase_country
  • purchase_currency

This data can be used when creating conditional logic in your Ingrid account.

Shipping data in WooCommerce order

When an order has been created in WooCommerce, the   name and price of the selected shipping method in the Ingrid Delivery Checkout widget is added to the order.

The order ID created in Ingrids system for the shipment is saved as an order post_meta field with the name  ingrid_tos_id. This id can be used to make API requests to Ingrid to retrieve more information about the shipment.

More information about the shipment is saved saved as an order post_meta field with the name  _ingrid_shipment_info. This data is stored as a JSON object with the following structure:

	"session_id": "f4490d70-aae0-452b-b309-c322be2aabca",
	"tos_id": "01FEZZQEDW6P5BN07AXFV9HA0P",
	"currency": "SEK",
	"cost": 50,
	"category_name": "DHL Express Domestic",
	"shipping": {
		"method_id": "dhl-expd",
		"external_method_id": null,
		"carrier": "DHL Express",
		"product": "EXPRESS DOMESTIC"
	"shipping_method__rate__meta_data": {
		"shipping": {
			"method_id": "dhl-expd"
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